Bella Thorne to be honored for porn film

Bella Thorne directs porn movie

Bella Thorne directs porn movie01:02

(CNN)Bella Thorne is being recognized for her directing work.

Pornhub, which bills itself as "the premiere online destination for adult entertainment," announced on Thursday that the actress will receive its Vision Award for the directorial debut of her film "Her & Him" at the company's second annual Pornhub Awards on Oct. 11.

The adult film was a bit of a shocker for some fans of the 21-year-old former Disney star.

It "depicts an edgy twenty-something guy who stumbles upon a surprise text in his girlfriend's phone, interrupting their morning routine and spinning everything into an out-of-control sexually charged encounter," Pornhub stated in a news release.

In a behind-the-scenes Pornhub YouTube video about the project, Thorne said she originally intended to make a Christmas-themed horror movie, but "instead I made a beautiful, ethereal film."

"I'm really lucky that Pornhub wanted to come on and produce this with me because originally I was shopping it around a very long time ago and things were very different," Thorne said. "People are kind of scared to make a movie like this one when it comes to dominance and submissive(ness) between a male and a female and how this relationship can turn quite sour."

The film stars adult entertainment actors Abella Danger and Small Hands and features music from rapper Mod Sun.

Pornhub also announced the addition of rap artist Ty Dollar Sign as a musical performer at the event, joining Bad Bunny, Ian Isiah, Kali Uchis, Rico Nasty and Tommy Genesis.

By Lisa Respers France, CNN >>

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